Dossier Océan et énergie - Énergie Thermique des Mers
Sommaire IOA News Letters
Global Ocean Observing System
--- Message from Michel Gauthier---
Starting from January 1st 1995 I shall be appointed to the EuroGOOS office.
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is a framework programme whose objective is to encourage, harmonize and co-ordinate national or regional operational oceanographic offices. GOOS will be a permanent system for global monitoring of a wide range of marine characteristics from all the world oceans, for data processing and for production of forecasts dedicated to marine users.
GOOS is being developed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment programme, and advised by the International Council of Scientific Union.
EuroGOOS is an informal association fostering European co-operation on the Global Ocean Observing System. Members are national organizations willing to advance GOOS in their country and to actively contribute to its extension at the European level.
Members of EuroGOOS will cooperate to establish a concerted European approach toward the following goals: contributing to international planning and implementation of GOOS and promoting it at a national, European and global level; identifying European priorities for operational oceanography; promoting the development of the scientific, technologic and computer systems for operational oceanography; and assessing the economic and social benefits from operational oceanography.
The memorandum of Understanding establishing EuroGOOS was signed by 16 Members on December 14, 1994. It was agreed that for the first step, a EuroGOOS office should be located at the S.O.C. (Southampton Oceanography Center, U.K.). The EuroGOOS staff will be composed of 3 individuals: Nick C. Flemming and Sally Marine from institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratories, and Michel Gauthier from IFREMER.
The SOC new buildings is still under construction and I shall not move to UK before spring 2995. Until that date my address is:
IFREMER Technopoils 40
155, Rue J.J.
92138 Cedex France.
Tel: (33) 1 4648
Direct line: (33) 1 4648 2215
Fax: (33) 1 4648 2224 (or 2188)
or in TOSDL at wormley
c/o N.C. Fiemming
Fax: 44 428 684847